Hey, It's Friday and I'm at home! I have the best boss! I have a great job! My family is wonderful and I wouldn't trade them for anything on this earth!
Addy spent the night last night and she and I, after doctor's appointments this morning will be on the road! I'm anxious to see my brother and his family - I know the boys will be bigger already! If I had my choice, my siblings, their families and my family would all live in our own little community - able to walk out the front door and see each other's houses! Time passes so quickly and I miss being able to see them often!
I am so blessed in my life and I'm greatly appreciative and thankful that God has blessed me in all areas. One of my greatest blessings is my relationship in the Lord. I can't imagine a life outside of God's family.
Elizabeth's faith and strength of character is also one of my greatest blessings. Knowing that she and Michael work together in their walk with God and are teaching Addy to walk in that path as well. There was a great discussion posted on a blog that I regularly visit (Elizabeth also visits this same blog) started as the result of Michael and Amy's visit to a new church. Anytime I read something Elizabeth has written that shows her passion for her beliefs, I am extremely proud to claim her as mine - at least mine to share!
If you'd like to read the post and see the comments you can read it here at Michael's blog. His post encouraged some great comments and I really just wanted to share Elizabeth's comments showing one of the reasons I am so proud of her. Elizabeth doesn't back down or shy away from talking about her love of the Lord and is, as I said, so passionate about it. I'm not going to share the post, only her comments - there is a link provided above for the post.
Here are the comments Elizabeth left describing her beliefs:
HomeSchool Mommy said...
I guess everyone has a different view on church...different preferences. I grew up in the Church of Christ and I now worship with Life Church.
LifeChurch.tv is DEFINITELY a multi-media church, as were your words. When people talk badly about a church because of its practices or how they deliver a certain message or whatever, I tend to wonder who's speaking to them...the Holy Spirit or Satan.
Does it matter HOW its delivered if its drawing people to Him? How big is your God? Mine is BIG! My God can do anything and He IS working in churches...big and small...money and no money. As far as the video for the people being baptized....how big is the church? I would guess that their intent was to introduce these new believers to the church because not everyone would have a chance to know them.
And, for the volunteer opportunity...the praise and worship band works really hard. If its anything like a lot of big churches these days (including ours), there are multiple services offered. I can't imagine why anyone would scoff at the opportunity to help out our brothers and sisters. Its just a nice thing to do.
For me, it all boils down to this: Is the thought that I'm thinking right now a good one or a bad one? Is it something that will bless others or is it belittling their efforts? Is the thing that I'm upset about something that is adding to a Godly experience for someone or is it something that will turn them away from God? I think the answers to those questions will tell you whether or not your thoughts are from God or Satan. Satan is always trying to give us thoughts that what God is doing is not good...for whatever reason...it's too new/contemporary...it's too big...it's too loud...it's too fun...it's too whatever.
I say God can, will, and does use many methods to bring His people back to Him.Let's quit worrying about the little things and just celebrate that these people are finding God...and if it weren't for this place (wherever it is that you happen to see them coming to Christ), they may never have found Him.
This is 2007. Not everyone wants to worship in a contemporary church and that's fine. It's a great thing that there are still traditional churches around. BUT, this generation LIVES on the media. Our kids play video games, computer games, watch MTV, carry around IPODS, etc. As a church, would we not be stupid NOT to use those tools to bring in this new generation? If it's not relevant, you will not reach people...if we're not reaching people, what are we doing?
Jesus said, "GO! Into the world" He did NOT say, "Build a building and hope they will come to you."
HomeSchool Mommy said...
I actually came back over to apologize if I sounded like 1) I was attacking you and/or 2) Like I felt offended by your post. When I came over, I saw that you had responded to my comment.
Anyway...the point of my second visit was to clarify that I didn't mean to be harsh. I wasn't offended at all and I wouldn't want to offend you, either. Everyone has their own preferences for worship and I think that's AWESOME. The Church of Christ (where I grew up), does not use musical instruments. Their worship is VERY traditional! My husband grew up in a Baptist church, so it was very close to my childhood experience (I think they only had a piano).
We often talk about how much we miss our youth experiences/devos because we would sing a capella youth songs...the harmony was awesome. It was great to hear everyone's voices so well without the interruption of instruments. I can see how some would feel like the multimedia is from the devil...although, I whole-heartedly disagree. Everything good comes from God. He tells us this over and over. If something good is being heard/seen/etc. via multimedia, then it IS from God.
A lot of my extended family is still worshipping with the Church of Christ and I often hear some of them say that they're appalled that churches are changing so much these days. I say, reach the people. However you can...REACH the people. I know a woman who worships with the Church of Christ who said that the only reason she started going to church was because her neighbor would take her to eat pizza every Sunday after church. She said for two years, that was the ONLY reason she went. Over time, her motive was no longer pizza, but instead, God. No matter how sad, the fact is...a LOT of people will never step foot into a church building...they will never hear the story of Jesus...they will never experience His salvation. WHY? Because they don't want the "church" experience.
I'm glad there are traditional churches (as I said in my last comment) because many people WANT that type of community. But, I'm also glad that there are churches reaching out in a different way (like mine) because we need to do whatever it takes to bring people in...then, they can experience the love of God. If it takes a worship band, lights, free coffee and donuts, a moon bounce for the kids, etc...we'll do it...because you wouldn't believe how many HUNDREDS of people have come to know Christ BECAUSE we got them in the door by offering those things.
Anyway...I can really ramble. I just want you to know that I completely respect your preferences and I would never ask anyone to go against their comfort level. I just don't want anyone to think something is bad just because it's not their preference. God can, will, and does work in many ways...He is MUCH bigger than we will ever know.
See what I mean?! I'm thankful that she has amazing faith and is not afraid to share her faith with others. I'm thankful that she has a husband who shares that passion. She helps me stay strong and she and I share many discussions that involve God and ways to increase our service to Him in our daily lives!
I love each of my children so much and they each possess such amazing qualities! I can't imagine my life without even one of them! I sometimes have to pinch myself to know that this great life is mine!
Wow...how nice, mom! Thank you for your kind words. I'm so glad you brought me up in a Christian environment and although I'm no longer worshipping with the church in which I was raised, I'm glad I have that foundation. In my teenage years, you allowed me to study and seek more of Him...even if it meant getting away from the denomination I had always known. So, I definitely acknowledge that God used you in my spiritual walk (obviously...you're my mom) :)
ReplyDeleteI am proud to call her MY wife...it so awesome to even think about. She is wonderful and filled with passion! I'm glad that we share so much common interests and the love for our Lord. I'm so thankful that God sent her my way!