Though the Lord is high, yet he has respect to every lowly, humbled sinner; but the proud and unbelieving will be banished far from his blissful presence. Divine consolations have enough in them to revive us, even when we walk in the midst of troubles.

And God will save his own people that they may be revived by the Holy Spirit, the Giver of life and holiness.

If we give to God the glory of his mercy, we may take to ourselves the comfort. This confidence will not do away, but quicken prayer.

Whatever good there is in us, it is God works in us both to will and to do. The Lord will perfect the salvation of every true believer, and he will never forsake those whom he has created anew in Christ Jesus unto good works.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on Psalm 138:8

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Friday's Feast October 5

Friday's Feast

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you look forward to your birthday?
My birthday is a milestone this year – 50! I have never had a birthday yet that was traumatic to me other than when I turned 25! At that time, I was divorced, a single mom to a 2-yr old daughter that I had to leave with a sitter every weekday while I went to work! That was a tough one! I am looking forward to my birthday this year! AARP – here I come! Gotta love those discounts!

What is one word you don’t like the sound, spelling, or meaning of?
The one word that I can think of is “uvula”. It’s that little hangy down thing in the back of your throat, but I think the name sounds like a word that shouldn’t be available for public use!

Do you wear sunglasses when you’re outside? If so, what does your current pair look like?
I wear sunglasses in the sun always when I’m driving! I leave them in the car so that I won’t forget them so, of course when I need them at other times I don’t have them – they’re in the car!

Main Course
If you were to write a book, to whom would you dedicate it?
I would definitely dedicate it to my family and to my Mom, especially. She was such a wonderful lady who taught me to love the Lord and put family at the top of my priority list – just below God!

Name a beverage that you enjoy.
I love unsweetened iced tea! My tea is not like everyone else’s tea – it’s very weak! I like just enough to color the water! That’s my favorite!

Don't fill up here! Visit for more great feasts

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  1. Good feast. I'm SO glad there was something new to read when I clicked on your page!!!!

  2. I agree with your soup--too funny. Wonderful feast. have a great Friday.

  3. I agree about the word uvula! Happy Feasting!

  4. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your prayers and comments on Luke's Blog. Your prayers and support have meant the world to me, THANK YOU!

    Love in Christ,
