Though the Lord is high, yet he has respect to every lowly, humbled sinner; but the proud and unbelieving will be banished far from his blissful presence. Divine consolations have enough in them to revive us, even when we walk in the midst of troubles.

And God will save his own people that they may be revived by the Holy Spirit, the Giver of life and holiness.

If we give to God the glory of his mercy, we may take to ourselves the comfort. This confidence will not do away, but quicken prayer.

Whatever good there is in us, it is God works in us both to will and to do. The Lord will perfect the salvation of every true believer, and he will never forsake those whom he has created anew in Christ Jesus unto good works.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on Psalm 138:8

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Great Weekend

My weekend has been wonderful – especially that I have had four days off! My office closed down on Friday after we all decided we wouldn’t mind taking the day off! Can you imagine anyone declining that offer?!

Friday Addy and I both had doctor’s appointments with Dr L, so I took her and then went to mine. My appointment turned out well and I was encouraged by the results! When we left the doctor’s office, we headed to my brother’s house.

The drive was about three hours, but it was a nice drive. We didn’t encounter much traffic since it was the middle of the day. I thought Addy might take a nap on the way but she was too excited! It had been about a month since we had last seen my brother and his family. Addy and I were both anxious to get there!

I miss them since they moved, but I really think it was a good decision for them. My sister-in-law has a job she loves. She actually knew she had the job before they even moved. The boys, ages 4 and three months, are staying with the same daycare provider that kept my sister-in-law when she was a child! My oldest nephew loves her and she loves the boys, too. They have a nice house and are now living in the same town where my sister-in-law’s parents live. Her parents are really good to her and to my brother and the kids! My brother is very blessed to have them as his in-laws!

The town where they live is really small! Everybody knows everybody else and as you drive around the town everyone you meet waves at you as if they had known you your whole life. One of my brother’s days off was Friday, so I was able to visit with him on Friday. He had to go back to work on Saturday, but it was nice to be able to visit with my sister-in-law then. The boys had really grown! I hardly put the baby down the entire time I was there! I slept in the boys’ room with the baby, but he didn’t peep all night! Evidently he sleeps through the night every night! My sister-in-law took us to breakfast on Saturday morning at her favorite little restaurant. She and her family meet every Saturday morning for breakfast at this same restaurant. The food was really good - home cooking! And you won't believe this, but the four of us ate for just over $10.00! The food, as I said, was great and they didn't skimp on the servings!

Addy and I came back on Saturday. She wasn’t happy about leaving and cried because she knew she would be missing them again. We got about 12 miles out of town when I remembered I had left my medicine there. We turned around and went back to the house because I couldn’t be without it. Addy then had to go through leaving them again! I took some pictures of the kids while I was there (imagine that!).

Sunday after church Michael and Elizabeth came to the house and Jody cooked out and we enjoyed a great meal together. We were all tired, so they left pretty early. I was so tired from the trip that I don’t think I moved until bedtime – when I got up and got ready for bed. Today’s been a day of rest, thank goodness. I’m always glad to be home and I’m now rested and ready for my new week!


  1. I'm glad you had a great time! Thanks for taking Addy...I know she loved being with you and really liked getting to see Ethan. Thanks to you and Jody for having us over for the cook-out. It was so stinkin' good...I know you are going to bring me some leftovers, right!?!? haha! I love burgers cooked on a grill...if only I had a grill.

  2. Just like my wife...she has to beat me. I pick my battles, she can have this one. haha!

  3. I am soooo glad you and Addy got to come visit us and that you had a good time. Every couple of hours Ethan says, "I have an idea, why don't you call Aunt Ann so she can bring Addy to come play" or "Tomorrow while I am at Mrs. S's house why don't you call Addy and see if she is on her way yet"...he misses her so much. I am glad you guys made it home OK...we love you all and miss you so much!
    Love Ya!

  4. Sounds like everyone had fun. THanks for sharing pictures

  5. Newbie - so very cute pictures - had to come because of the title of your blog.
    Best wishes

  6. What fun. It sounds like you and Addy had a great road trip. Nice to hear they are settled in. Sounds like a great place to live too!
