Merry Christmas! I have sent out my text greeting to all my family and friends and now the day begins. It's very quiet here, just Jody and me. This is the first Christmas in 20 years that it has just been the two of us. We celebrated our family Christmas with all the kids and grandkids a couple of weeks ago and today each of the kids is spending the day with their own little family or with others. It seems strange, but that's what happens as your children grow older.
Jody and I went to a Christmas Eve service at church last night and really enjoyed it. We sang praise songs for the season and re-visited the story of Christ's birth. This is a season of reflection on the greatest gift ever given - the birth of Jesus, His life as a man on this earth, His crucifixion and resurrection. I'm incredibly thankful for this gift.
My parents are both gone now and I miss them so much, but know because of the gift we've been given, eternal life with a home in Heaven, I will see them again and that gives me comfort.
Material gifts have never been the focus in my family and that has not changed this year. I have received one of the best gifts I've ever received - the blessing of my husband and I being reunited after being separated this year. There is no gift that could top this one. We both love the Lord, love each other and want our marriage to be a reflection of our love. We are both willing to do what it takes to make our marriage one that will glorify God. Our belief is that with this as our heart's desire, our marriage will be everlasting!
God has provided instruction for marriage through His word, The Holy Bible, and that is our focus. We are meeting regularly with our Family Pastor to learn better ways of communication, which will help us to grow closer together.
Wives and Husbands
7) Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.
I am filled with the belief that God has great things in store for Jody and me for 2009. We are both ready for everything the new year will bring!
In His Love and Blessings
I'm sure it was strange having an empty nest, but praise God for your husband. I pray you had a blessed Christmas!
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!! I pray that you and your family enjoyed the holidays and are looking forward to a bright and happy new year!