Though the Lord is high, yet he has respect to every lowly, humbled sinner; but the proud and unbelieving will be banished far from his blissful presence. Divine consolations have enough in them to revive us, even when we walk in the midst of troubles.

And God will save his own people that they may be revived by the Holy Spirit, the Giver of life and holiness.

If we give to God the glory of his mercy, we may take to ourselves the comfort. This confidence will not do away, but quicken prayer.

Whatever good there is in us, it is God works in us both to will and to do. The Lord will perfect the salvation of every true believer, and he will never forsake those whom he has created anew in Christ Jesus unto good works.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on Psalm 138:8

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sunday Grains of Gratitude 07/10

Hosted by Christine at Brady's Bunch!

Today I'm grateful for many things, but today some of those things mean more to me than some of the others! I am so thankful for the church that I am now attending. I always leave the assembly enriched by both the praise and the worship services!

At church today it seemed like Pastor Craig could have been speaking to me alone! I always get a lot out of his sermons and this morning was no exception. We are doing a study on Jonah and how he tried to run from God rather than choosing to obey Him. Craig pointed out that many of us are the same way - that sometimes we decide that we know best rather than allowing ourselves to be led by God! Craig also said that even though we may not be running from God and his commandments, we may be "drifters" - discovering one day that we have drifted far from God and his teachings and wonder how we got so far away from Him!

I'm thankful that Jody and Chance are going to church with me. For quite some time, even when I attended Sunday morning worship, they chose not to attend with me - I would go alone. I feel blessed that they are attending with me and that we have been going together as a family for about two months! I know that we've needed to worship together for a long time, but we had not made it a priority. I pray that we can grow in our spiritual lives together and in, everything we do, may we glorify God!

I'm thankful for my family. Michael, Elizabeth and Addy came and spent the weekend with us, which always makes me happy. I talked to Candace on the phone this weekend and I enjoy talking to her and Toni and getting updates on their lives and on their children! I enjoy the time we spend together and am a little sad when it ends. Before I went back to work, it was fun to see Candace and the boys or to have Blake and the other grandkids over to the house to play together or to spend the day at Elizabeth's - spending time with her and Addy, but also spending time with her daycare kids! They are all so sweet and I love seeing them.

I'm thankful for the rain we've been getting. It has really done a job on our driveway (very rough and washed out), but it's also done a job on my flower beds and they are beautiful with all the flowers blooming and growing like crazy! I also have some tomato plants and they are covered with little green tomatoes - Yum!

I'm blessed and very thankful for my job and the group of women I work with each day! They are all so kind and caring and I believe any one of them would give anything to anyone in need and never think twice about it! I knew when I met them the day I was interviewed for the position, that they would be good to work with and I was certainly right!

I'm thankful for each day the Lord gives me - another opportunity to share His love with others and hopefully to make a difference in my corner of the world!

This is the day which the Lord hath made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

I love it when Christine asks each week
"What are you thankful for today?"


  1. Hey thanks for stopping by...

    I love doing the weekly gratitude post too. I find it's a great way to remember the week - and also for bigger things I'm appreciative for. Even when I've had some pretty bad weeks, it's been nice to find something to be thankful for.

    I'm glad you enjoy your church, it's wonderful to be part of a church family.

  2. Thanks for sharing! We are thankful for you, too. I'm so glad that you all have been attending LifeChurch with us! I, too, loved the lesson today...every week I leave with a message taken to heart.

  3. another beautiful post....Im thankful we think we have found a home church

  4. Seriously...every single week, same story. This post was on Sunday, today is Thursday. I don't buy the excuse that you work now. I work...Liz works...I'm sure many of the people whose blogs you read work, too. Plus, in the evening you are pretty much no excuse! Get to bloggin' woman! ;-) love ya!

  5. And I'm thankful that I've come to know you!
