If you were walking down the street and found a $10.00 bill lying on the ground - would you pick it up? Would you keep it? Okay, what if you were in the checkout line and the checker gave you too much change - would you keep it or return it? What if you “accidentally” took something, along with things honestly given to you, that you knew was not for you - would you keep it anyway?
I think sometimes it’s easy to say we would do the right thing - but would we, really?
I was brought up in a family that had little - little money, few “extras” and I never knew that we had so little - until I was grown! My family was never materialistic. We never were in competition to have the best or “keep up with the Joneses”. I’m so thankful for that.
When someone generously gives me something, I want people to know where it came from and how I received it. I want them to know that nothing in this life comes from me - it all comes from God. It all comes from God, whether it is purchased by money I earn working or from the generosity of others! I believe that to accept a gift without that spirit of thankfulness is wrong!
I can’t imagine accepting something, erroneously, that was not meant for me but still keeping it and using it as if it was intended for me! If we know that a mistake has been made - no matter how small we perceive it to be - shouldn’t we make it right? Shouldn’t we make sure that we’ve done what needs to be done to ensure that the rightful owner has what was intended for him?
I don’t understand when people make excuses for things they do and believe those excuses make it right. I don’t understand why the feelings of other people mean nothing! I don’t understand where love plays into a situation in which respect, loyalty and love are thrown out the window - because the “things” are more important!
I’m thankful to God for each and everything I have in this life. I’m owed nothing and deserve even less - but God blesses me over and over! I pray that I never take this for granted. I pray that I always remember why I have the things that I have! I pray that my heart and my conscience are never at a place where I think “things” are more important than people!
Thank you, God, for all the blessings in my life.
In His Love and Blessings
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